The Ottawa International Animation Festival
Last year, as a student of the animation program at the Rhode Island School of Design, I was taken on a school-sponsored trip up to Canada to attend this prestigious festival for the animated arts. I had been assured by my professors that it was to be a very important and enjoyable experience, but nothing they said prepared me for how right they actually were:
This festival is incredible.
This horse is awesome. |
Here was a place where some of the most celebrated and talented people in animation, industry or independent, gathered to watch an exclusive selection of some of the most amazing and inspiring animations from hundreds, if not thousands of submitted films that year. It was a gathering of enthusiasts appreciating and networking animation on an international scale.
I was floored, and I returned to RISD inspired like never before. I wanted to become the best animator I could; a process that is still ongoing. This festival was, and still is, a celebration of some of the best and most inspiring work in animation. I was a little doubtful that I could ever reach that echelon. Nevertheless, by the encouragement, advice and counsel of my great friends, family and teachers, I completed my thesis project(s) for school and sent off some audition copies to a selection of festivals, including this one.
It got in.
Have you ever screamed at literature? I have. |
This is a huge honor, and I can't even begin to express my gratitude to all of the people that helped make it happen. I'll be doing my best in the coming days to prepare for my upcoming return to Canada, and I've got several personal projects in the pipeline. So stay tuned for updates, because there's a lot to look forward to.
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